Tuesday, February 21, 2012

End of half term happenings

How lovely it was to visit the cousins. They are always the most hospitable of hosts. The Aunties were lovely as ever and Uncle Hobbit was the skateboarding instructor of the weekend! Not that I was skate boarding- skiing is fine with me as long as the hill is not too steep and I don't go to fast. We visited the pretty village of Olney again but the lovely charity shops weren't open. It was a lovely  bright day- great for a walk and for taking the odd snap or two.

Other Aunty brought her lovely pretty dog- I have told her to enter the Joules competition to win a photo shoot with him - came to visit- He is soo lovely but a bit of pickle as far as the cats are concerned - he just couldn't resist the urge to chase them up the tree in the garden! He has been known to try to round up our chickens who were definitely not impressed.

Less than fluffy cat was tempted down in the end with her favourite titbits and  the  dreaded ladder wasnt needed - much to Other Aunty's relief!

 Then on Sunday our Elder son phoned to let us know he was off to A and E.  He had hurt his ankle running- getting caught in a rabbit hole and yes he has fractured his fibula -the smaller of the two leg bones!  So today a trip to fracture clinic to get the full cast put on! At least an op isn't required!

I think I may be needed for taxi rides etc for the next few weeks! It seems we aways have a full house here at Mrs H's abode- not that I'm really complaining but I just would like an occasional day to myself! Elder daughter is going back to Uni tomorrow- so maybe Thursday?

 But in the meantime Younger daughter made me this lovely cake -  we have definite liking for brightly coloured icing in this house . This one is a beautiful turquoise colour -so I  had better boil the kettle and get cutting! Thank you YD for my lovely cake . :)

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