Friday, June 15, 2012

Second day up North

 Our second day in the north east was as busy as the first! We started the day with a trip down to the quayside in Newcastle.

We visited the Baltic Mill which was a flour mill many years ago and is now an art gallery on the Gateside side of the river. Unfortunately most of the exhibitions were under construction except for one by which was a hut on the mountainside by Richard Rigg.

Permanent sculpture with a quote from William Blake which reads

"No bird soars too high if he soars with his own wings"

 We headed up to the viewing gallery and took photos of the city.

Tyne bridge and the Gateshead Millenium Bridge

Then headed to the open terrace overlooking the Tyne and the Newcastle side of the river.
 There we were able to see the floating wheel which used the current of the river to play music on the terrace.

The Gateshead Millenium Bridge

Floating  electricity generator
Close up

The wooden megaphone transmitting the sound generated by the electricity!

But by far the most exciting thing was seeing the kittiwakes nesting on the side of the Baltic.

 All nesting in pairs on the side of the building- except for two very young ones who hadn't yet built themselves a nest. They were amazing to see! They made my day!

Catching up on sleep!

Change over!

The youngsters!

We then had lunch in the cafe and were also lucky enough to see the Gateshead Millenium  Bridge open.! A wonderful morning! After lunch we headed up to the national trust place - Wallington Hall - more about that next time!

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